How to find us
Route maps:

– Approach from airport / „Frankfurter Kreuz“:
A 3 towards Würzburg – Munich
→ Departure: Offenbacher Kreuz
→ onto the A 661 towards Frankfurt/Offenbach
Get in the far right lane on the „Kaiserlei“ Bridge (over the Main river).
→ Direction Hanau = Hanauer Landstrasse
Follow this to the Maintal-Dörnigheim intersection (Doorm Hotel)
→ Turn left to „Gewerbegebiet Mitte“
→ At the next traffic light (intersection of „Schwimmbad/Gewerbegebiet Mitte“) turn right
Follow the road – approx. 300 m on the right SCHMIDT & CO.
– Approach from Hanover:
Kassel – Fulda motorway
A 66 direction Hanau – Frankfurt
→ Departure: Maintal-Dörnigheim
After the exit, go to the traffic lights (intersection of „Schwimmbad/Gewerbegebiet Mitte“)
→ there on the left – „Gewerbegebiet Mitte“
Follow the road – approx. 300 m on the right SCHMIDT & CO.
– Approach from Munich:
A 3 direction Frankfurt to „Seligenstädter Dreieck“
→ onto the A 45 direction Gießen to Hanauer Kreuz
→on the A 66 towards Frankfurt until
→ Maintal-Dörnigheim exit
After the exit, go to the traffic lights (intersection of „Schwimmbad/Gewerbegebiet Mitte“)
→ there on the left – „Gewerbegebiet Mitte“
Follow the road – approx. 300 m on the right SCHMIDT & CO.